Most Viewed Articles
Articles | Fulltext downloads | PDF downloads | Total downloads |
Intrauterine device translocation: Case series and management algorithmFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 1, February DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_29_2021 |
17,539 | 1,627 | 19,166 |
Case SeriesRole of genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors in the progression of PCOS: A reviewFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 3, June DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_16_2021 |
15,108 | 2,291 | 17,399 |
Review ArticleManagement of ovarian functions by melatoninFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, April DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_39_2020 |
16,421 | 3 | 16,424 |
Invited ArticleGender-based differences in coronavirus disease 2019: Hormonal influencers of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus receptors and immune responsesFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, June DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_10_2021 |
15,891 | 4 | 15,895 |
Review ArticlePregnancy management in coronavirus disease – Challenges in developing countriesFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, July DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_58_2020 |
15,891 | 1 | 15,892 |
Invited ArticleReopening of a clinic providing infertility services during COVID-19 pandemic: A case studyFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, March DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_5_2021 |
14,328 | 3 | 14,331 |
Invited ArticleRISUG® offers early contraception: An experience during Phase III clinical trialsFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 11, December DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_8_2022 |
12,279 | 1,660 | 13,939 |
Original ArticleThe genetically engineered vaccine against human chorionic gonadotropin enters Phase I/II clinical trials faces a problem, its possible resolutionFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 1, February DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_31_2021 |
11,748 | 890 | 12,638 |
Original ArticleThe psychological impact on infertile women – A reviewFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, February DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_26_2020 |
12,457 | 1 | 12,458 |
Review ArticleReproductive health during COVID-19 pandemicFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, March DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_2_2021 |
11,743 | 1 | 11,744 |
Invited ArticleTransmissibility: To be or not to beFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, March DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_51_2020 |
11,454 | 2 | 11,456 |
Review ArticleImpact of sperm protamine on semen quality and fertilityFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 5, July DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_2_2022 |
9,848 | 1,428 | 11,276 |
Invited ArticleImpact of coronavirus disease 2019 on assisted reproductive techniqueFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, March DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_36_2020 |
11,234 | 2 | 11,236 |
Review ArticleProstate cancer in India: Current perspectives and the way forwardFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 4, Issue: 8, October DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_17_2023 |
9,999 | 1,200 | 11,199 |
Review ArticleA review on the pharmacological potential of Indian spices in polycystic ovarian syndromeFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 4, Issue: 1, January DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_21_2021 |
9,917 | 1,256 | 11,173 |
Review ArticleMale reproductive health at risk due to exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances: Recent research highlightsFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, March DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_18_2020 |
10,957 | 1 | 10,958 |
Review ArticleA novel device to micromanipulate oocytes during intracytoplasmic sperm injectionFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 6, Issue: 6, August DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_4_2022 |
9,592 | 1,272 | 10,864 |
Original ArticleImpact of COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and neonatal outcomes: A narrative review and evidence from the PregCovid registryFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 4, Issue: 2, January DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_11_2022 |
9,104 | 1,603 | 10,707 |
Review ArticleAn N-terminal peptide of Tar DNA binding Protein 43 lacking nuclear localization signal translocates to the nucleus of GC-1 spermatogonial cellsFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, February DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_10_2022 |
7,572 | 1,598 | 9,170 |
Original ArticleMenopausal hormone-replacement therapy and breast cancer risk: An updated and simplified viewFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 4, July DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_30_2021 |
7,782 | 1,026 | 8,808 |
Review ArticleImpact of COVID-19 on abused pregnant and lactating women receiving reproductive and child health services at tertiary care hospital, New Delhi, IndiaFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 12, December DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_23_2022 |
7,041 | 1,040 | 8,081 |
Original ArticleModeling one-stop-shop integration of family planning and HIV services in Zimbabwe, 2021Full text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 4, Issue: 6, September DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_4_2023 |
6,184 | 1,340 | 7,524 |
Original ArticleBulk stiffness and recovery time – A measure of development of mouse embryosFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 4, Issue: 4, July DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_26_2022 |
6,310 | 1,077 | 7,387 |
Original ArticleImpact of COVID-19 on assisted reproductive technologies and its multifacet influence on global bioeconomyFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: Supplement 1, February Special Issue on COVID-19 & ART DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_44_2020 |
7,028 | 4 | 7,032 |
Review ArticleImpact of COVID-19 pandemic on assisted reproductive technology treatment for infertile patients in India – An opinionFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: Supplement 1, February Special Issue on COVID-19 & ART DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_35_2020 |
6,936 | 3 | 6,939 |
Short CommunicationPenetrance of missense mutation of OR2AT4 and OR9G1/9 gene polymorphism increases risk factor in azoospermic patientsFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 4, Issue: 7, September DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_2_2023 |
5,559 | 860 | 6,419 |
Original ArticleRole of fibroblast growth factor 8 in different cancersFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 4, Issue: 5, August DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_10_2023 |
5,641 | 678 | 6,319 |
Review ArticleReproductomics: An impending driver for exposome researchFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 10, December DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_16_2022 |
5,284 | 814 | 6,098 |
CommentarySpermatozoa HSP90b expression correlates with ROS generation and altered motility in response to methyl parathion treatment in vitroFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 7, November DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_7_2022 |
5,151 | 932 | 6,083 |
Original ArticleMolecular characterization of Staphylococcus species isolates from buck semen and their effect on semen qualityFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 8, November DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_3_2022 |
5,428 | 591 | 6,019 |
Original ArticleBiomarkers in ovarian cancer and saliva: An updateFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_22_2020 |
5,938 | 3 | 5,941 |
Review ArticleOmics-based cutting-edge technologies for identifying predictive biomarkers to measure the impact of air borne particulate matter exposure on male reproductive healthFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 5, Issue: 2, March DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_25_2023 |
4,803 | 1,132 | 5,935 |
Review ArticleCOVID-19 pandemic and assisted reproductive technologiesFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: Supplement 1, February Special Issue on COVID-19 & ART |
1,626 | 4,101 | 5,727 |
EditorialImplicating transforming growth factor-β and sex steroids in the regulation of brain-gonadal functionsFull text | PDFYear: 2022, Volume: 3, Issue: 9, December DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_12_2022 |
4,686 | 769 | 5,455 |
Review ArticleCyclic nucleotides regulate oocyte meiotic maturation and quality in mammalsFull text | PDFYear: 2020, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, November DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_7_2020 |
3,941 | 1,467 | 5,408 |
Invited ArticleOutcome of intrauterine insemination in couples with unexplained or male factor infertility at National Referral Hospital of BhutanFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, February DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_24_2023 |
4,467 | 855 | 5,322 |
Original ArticlePrevalence of polycystic ovarian syndrome and its association with circulatory gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone) and prolactin in different reproductive age groups: A brief surveyFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, February DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_27_2020 |
4,296 | 1 | 4,297 |
Invited ArticleEndocrine disruption and female reproductive health: Implications on cross-talk between endocrine and autocrine/paracrine axes in the ovaryFull text | PDFYear: 2020, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, November DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_11_2020 |
4,124 | 1 | 4,125 |
Invited ArticleAutologous platelet-rich plasma as a potential new approach in the endometrial response during in vitro fertilization cycle: A pilot studyFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 5, Issue: 3, May DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_5_2024 |
3,239 | 653 | 3,892 |
Original ArticleSperm a cell in distress: Yoga to the rescueFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_8_2020 |
3,693 | 3 | 3,696 |
Review ArticleGynecological outcomes of uterine niche after cesarean section: A descriptive studyFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, February DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_31_2020 |
3,552 | 1 | 3,553 |
Original ArticleReproductive health status of adolescent slum girls, residing in the urban slums of Cuttack City, OdishaFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, February DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_34_2020 |
3,397 | 5 | 3,402 |
Original ArticleProspects of mesenchymal stem cells in veterinary regenerative medicine and drug developmentFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_10_2020 |
3,136 | 1 | 3,137 |
Review ArticleControl of sperm quality in the epididymis by disintegration and removal – A transmission electron microscopy study of abnormal sperm of aflatoxin-treated ratFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 5, Issue: 4, June DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_23_2023 |
2,826 | 290 | 3,116 |
Original ArticleImpact of coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic on assisted reproductive technologies: Potentialities of melatonin in managementFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: Supplement 1, February Special Issue on COVID-19 & ART DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_4_2021 |
3,059 | 3 | 3,062 |
Review ArticlePsychological impact of fertility treatment during the coronavirus pandemic and its legal aspectFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: Supplement 1, February Special Issue on COVID-19 & ART DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_6_2021 |
3,028 | 3 | 3,031 |
Review ArticleEmpowering of reproductive health of farm animals through genome editing technologyFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_17_2020 |
2,993 | 14 | 3,007 |
Invited ArticleFate of the germ cells in mammalian ovary: A reviewFull text | PDFYear: 2020, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, November DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_5_2020 |
2,991 | 3 | 2,994 |
Invited ArticleMultiorgan damage and dysfunction due to infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 and post-recovery complicationsFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, February DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_19_2020 |
2,944 | 1 | 2,945 |
Review ArticleIs it safe to continue with gamete cryopreservation during the pandemic? A literature reviewFull text | PDFYear: 2021, Volume: 2, Issue: Supplement 1, February Special Issue on COVID-19 & ART DOI: 10.25259/JRHM_53_2020 |
2,854 | 3 | 2,857 |