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Exploring factors associated with first antenatal care booking among pregnant women in Northwestern Tanzania

Department of Research, Training and Consultancy, Chato Zonal Referral Hospital, Geita, Tanzania
Department of Diagnostics, Central TB Reference Laboratory, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Department of Medical Services, Chato Zonal Referral Hospital, Geita, Tanzania
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Chato Zonal Referral Hospital, Geita, Tanzania
Department of Surgical Services, Musoma Regional Referral Hospital, Musoma, Tanzania
Department of HIV/AIDS Care, International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs, Mwanza, Tanzania
Department of Surgical Services, Chato Zonal Referral Hospital, Geita, Tanzania.
Author image

*Corresponding author: Sued Yassin Zuberi, Department of Research, Training and Consultancy, Chato Zonal Referral Hospital, Geita, Tanzania.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, transform, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

How to cite this article: Zuberi SY, Shayo RZ, Muniko GS, Lyapa OT, Kombo ZK, Dyegura OJ, et al. Exploring factors associated with first antenatal care booking among pregnant women in Northwestern Tanzania. J Reprod Healthc Med 2024;5:11.



Pregnant women are advised to schedule their initial antenatal care (ANC) visit during the first trimester to detect and treat any medical issues as well as screen for risk factors that may affect the course and outcome of their pregnancy. Nonetheless, delayed first ANC presentation is typical, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study sought to determine the timing of the first ANC booking and identify factors that influence the first ANC booking among pregnant women.

Material and Methods:

This was a cross-sectional study which was carried out from June–August 2023. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done using Epi Info 7.2 and STATA version 15.0 software. Independent factors for the first ANC booking were determined by multivariate logistic regression analysis using odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and a P-value cut-off of ≤0.05.


A total of 402 pregnant women were recruited for the study. The bulk of participants, 189 (47.0%), were between 25 and 34 years. More than half 279/402(69.4%) of the pregnant women booked their first ANC appointment beyond 12 weeks of gestation. The married pregnant women had almost four-fold booking ANC earlier compared to single women (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 3.9, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.1–14.4, P = 0.036). Similarly, employed pregnant women were 2.8 times more likely to book their first ANC visits earlier as compared to self-employed women (AOR = 2.8, 95% CI = 1.3–5.8, P = 0.006). In addition, women receiving support from their family or partner were more likely to book their first ANC as recommended compared to those lacking such support (AOR = 0.5, 95% CI = 0.3–0.9, P = 0.022). Finally, those who planned pregnancy were 2 times more likely to book their first ANC visit within the recommended time, unlike those who did not (AOR = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.3–2.1, P = 0.03).


Despite the known benefits of early antenatal appointments, many pregnant women delay their first visit, highlighting the need for targeted policies to address socioeconomic barriers and improve health-care access, thus encouraging timely ANC bookings and better maternal health outcomes.


First antenatal care booking
Pregnant women
Late first antenatal care booking


Antenatal care (ANC) is the term for the care given to pregnant women by qualified medical personnel. It comprises risk assessment and management, treatment of illnesses brought on by or connected to pregnancy, health promotion, and education.[1] According to the World Health Organization, ANC should begin during the first trimester of pregnancy and should involve at least four and, ideally, eight visits.[1] In 2002, Tanzania’s Ministry of Adopted Focused Antenatal Care (FANC) required pregnant women to attend at least four ANC visits during the course of pregnancy – the first visit before 12 weeks, the second at 26 weeks, the third at 32 weeks, and the fourth between 36 and 38 weeks.[2] The FANC model integrates care through health promotion, prevention, detection and treatment of existing diseases, and birth preparation with four visits throughout pregnancy. The model also consolidates ANC with care and counseling for several other conditions, even though providing high-quality ANC is its top priority. For many women, the antenatal period is a crucial point of entry into the health system.[2]

ANC is crucial in the examination of socioeconomic, medical, and obstetrical aspects to identify high-risk pregnancies. In addition, ANC programs are used to offer treatment and information that are not specifically related to pregnancy but can lower the risk factors for maternal mortality, such as promoting healthy lifestyles, addressing malnutrition, or educating about gender-based violence.[3,4] Nevertheless, late initial ANC presentation is common in sub-Saharan Africa, with geographical disparities in the time of ANC presentation between urban and rural settings noted within nations.[5,6] The result of arriving late for ANC is a missed opportunity to prevent negative pregnancy outcomes for the mother and the unborn child.[7,8] Thus, all expectant mothers must undergo their initial antenatal examination during the first trimester to detect and treat any medical complications as well as to screen them for any risk factors that might affect the course and outcome of their pregnancy.[9] The pregnant women are advised to schedule the initial appointment early, which will be used to diagnose, treat, and check for risk factors and illnesses that are best treated early in pregnancy and start prophylaxis if necessary.[10] The latter will contribute to the early detection of pregnancy risks, prevention of pregnancy and labor difficulties, and safe delivery of mother and child and, therefore, improve the well-being of the mother and fetus.[11]

Despite all the benefits, recommendations, and efforts to stimulate attendance, the majority of pregnant women do not book their first ANC timely.[6,7,12] The prevalence of scheduling prenatal care appointments early was 43%, according to the available evidence globally.[13] However, there is a significant disparity between the regions, with the sub-Saharan region having <25%, developing countries below 45%, and developed countries at 85%.[13] Studies done in South Africa and Tanzania found a seemingly lower prevalence, ranging from 25% to 30%.[5,7] In addition, in Tanzania, over 98% of pregnant women attend at least one antenatal clinic visit, few attend early (before 12 weeks), and the number of those who complete at least four visits remains very low.[14] Other data from a review of the district annual health profile in Chato district in Tanzania revealed that nearly half of pregnant booked ANC attendance above the recommended period.[12]

Several studies conducted in the past have found that lack of education, attitudes and knowledge about pregnancy, being unmarried, parity, a history of obstetric complications, healthcare service availability, distance to the healthcare facility, and cultural beliefs are all risk factors for late first ANC presentation.[8,15,16] For instance, a recent study in Tanzania found that gender norms discourage men from participating in pregnancy and childbirth. Men as decision-makers and controllers of economic resources in households impact the timing of ANC attendance and influence women’s decisions and access to maternal and child health services.[17] The same study reported that the implementation of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission policy discourages men from attending ANC, primarily due to their fear of HIV screening. As a result, women postponed or skipped ANC altogether due to a lack of support from their partners.[17] Available data have revealed that mothers who did not receive information about when to begin ANC were nearly twice as likely not to book than those who did.[18] Likewise, nulliparous mothers were twice as likely as primiparous and multiparous women to begin ANC early. In addition, mothers who could reach an ANC facility within 30 min were more likely to attend ANC early than those who had to travel for more than an hour.[19] These studies have resulted in several interventions, including but not limited to sensitization through community healthcare workers, mass media campaigns, outreach services, and creating registers by village leaders to follow-up on ANC attendance and visits.[12,20] Despite the implementation of these interventions, the number of pregnant women commencing their first ANC booking within 12 weeks of gestation has remained low.[5-7] This current study aimed to determine the timing of the first ANC booking and identify factors influencing the first ANC booking among pregnant women.


Study design

This was an analytical cross-sectional study.

Study settings

Chato district is one of the five districts in the Geita Region of northwestern Tanzania. Its administrative center is the town of Chato. The district is divided into 23 wards. There were predicted to be 533,595 people living in Chato District Council in 2021, with 261,510 men and 272,085 women. Consequently, there were roughly 109,135 females in the population who were of reproductive age. The data for 2022 indicate that the maternal mortality for the district is 5.4/100,000, which is higher compared to the district target (3/100,000). Furthermore, the first ANC booking below 12 weeks of gestation is still low (54%) as compared to the district target.[12] The main ethnic group in the district is the Sukuma. Furthermore, the major economic activities include fishing and agriculture. The same year’s data reveal that there are 47 healthcare facilities (2 hospitals, 8 health centers, and 37 dispensaries).[12] The hospitals include Chato Zonal Referral Hospital (CZRH) and Chato District Hospital (CDH). The study was conducted at CDH and CZRH. The CDH serves as the district hospital for the Chato District Council, whereas the CZRH serves as a Zonal Referral Hospital. The CDH has a Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) clinic from Monday to Friday, serving around 50 women a day, whereas CZRH serves around 35 pregnant women daily. Thus, these two healthcare facilities serve a significant proportion of the population in Chato District Council.


A total of 402 pregnant women aged 15–49 years who are dwellers of Chato District Council and attending RCH Clinics of CDH and CZRH between June and August, 2023 who assented and/or consented and had met the inclusion criteria were recruited. The sample size was estimated using Kish Leslie utilizing a prevalence of 54% for the first ANC booking below 12 weeks that was adopted from the Chato District Health Profile data for 2021.[12] The number of pregnant women enrolled from each facility was calculated based on probability proportional to size sampling. As a result, 314 participants were recruited from CDH and 88 participants from CZRH. At the study site, upon consent and/or assent and meeting the inclusion criteria, the study participants were recruited until the desired sample size was achieved.

Data collection

Data regarding sociodemographic, clinical, and previous exposures and experiences were collected using a structured questionnaire. The data regarding ANC visits were abstracted from the RCH cards.

Data analysis

Data were thoroughly cleaned and assessed for completeness and consistency before analysis. The analysis was conducted using Epi Info 7.2 and STATA version 15.0 software (College Station, Texas, USA). Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages were calculated, and data were presented using tables. Univariate logistic regression analysis was done on all variables, but only variables with a P < 0.2 were subjected to multivariate logistic regression analysis. Independent factors/determinants for the first ANC booking were determined by multivariate logistic regression analysis using odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and a P-value cut-off of less than 0.05.

Ethical considerations

Ethical clearance (NIMR/HQ/R.8a/Vol.IX/4394) was obtained from the Institutional Review Board, National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Tanzania and authorization to conduct the study was requested and granted by the hospital management. The pregnant women were given the consent/assent forms to read and consent before enrollment into the study. In addition, any incident noted during the study that would benefit or otherwise alter the course of management of the study participants was communicated to the attending healthcare personnel, participants, or any relevant stakeholder.


Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics

A total of 402 pregnant women were recruited for the study. The bulk of participants, 189 (47.0%), were between the ages of 25 and 34. Furthermore, the majority of pregnant women were married 371 (92%), self-employed 332 (82.6%), had a primary education (50%), and 343 (85.3%) commuted to clinics in 15–30 min [Table 1].

Table 1: Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the study participants in Chato DC - Tanzania.
Variable Frequency {n(%)} n=402
≤12 Weeks (n=123) >12 weeks (n=279) Total (n%)
Age (years)
  15–24 54 (30.7) 122 (69.3) 176 (43.8)
  25–34 60 (31.8) 129 (68.2) 189 (47.0)
  35+ 9 (24.3) 28 (75.7) 37 (9.2)
Marital status
  Single 3 (10.7) 25 (89.3) 28 (7.0)
  Married 120 (32.3) 251 (67.7) 371 (92.2)
  Divorced/widowed 0 (0) 3 (100) 3 (0.8)
  Employed 19 (55.9) 15 (44.1) 34 (8.5)
  Self-employed 88 (26.5) 244 (73.5) 332 (82.6)
  Jobless 16 (44.4) 20 (55.6) 36 (8.9)
Level of education
  None 12 (30.0) 28 (70) 40 (10.0)
  Primary 60 (29.9) 141 (70.1) 201 (50.0)
  Secondary 34 (26.8) 93 (73.2) 127 (31.6)
  College 17 (50) 17 (50) 34 (8.4)
Time to get to clinic
  15–30 min 100 (29.2) 243 (70.8) 343 (85.3)
  30 min–1 h 18 (37.5) 30 (62.5) 48 (11.9)
  1 h+ 5 (45.5) 6 (54.5) 11 (2.8)
Time taken all medical services during clinics
  ≤1 h 1 (25) 3 (75) 4 (1.0)
  >1 h 122 (30.7) 276 (69.1) 398 (99.0)
Amount of money used to get to clinic
  ≤1000 Tshs 64 (26.6) 177 (73.4) 241 (60.0)
  >1000 Tshs 59 (36.6) 102 (63.4) 161 (40.0)
  Nulliparous 39 (37.5) 65 (62.5) 104 (25.9)
  1 or more children 84 (28.2) 214 (71.8) 298 (74.1)
  1 31 (34.4) 59 (65.6) 90 (22.4)
  2 28 (33.3) 56 (66.7) 84 (20.9)
  3+ 64 (28.1) 164 (71.9) 228 (56.7)
Age of youngest child
  <2 27 (25.2) 80 (74.8) 107 (26.6)
  2–5 38 (28.8) 94 (71.2) 132 (32.8)
  5+ 19 (32.8) 40 (67.2) 59 (14.4)
  No child 39 (37.1) 65 (62.9) 104 (26.1)
Received health education in the past 12 months
  Yes 102 (30.3) 235 (69.7) 337 (83.8)
  No 21 (32.3) 44 (67.7) 65 (16.2)
Substance use during current pregnancy
  Yes 2 (28.6) 5 (71.4) 7 (1.7)
  No 121 (30.6) 274 (69.4) 395 (98.3)
Planned pregnancy
  Yes 85 (34.1) 164 (65.9) 249 (61.9)
  No 38 (24.8) 115 (75.2) 153 (38.1)
Worried if partner or family knew you are pregnant
  Yes 6 (25) 18 (75) 24 (6.0)
  No 117 (31) 261 (69) 378 (94.0)
Partner/family support
  Yes 119 (31.5) 259 (68.5) 378 (94.0)
  No 4 (16.7) 20 (83.3) 24 (6.0)
Complications during any of the pregnancies
  Yes 30 (43.5) 39 (56.5) 69 (17.2)
  No 93 (27.9) 240 (72.1) 333 (82.8)
  Yes 7 (41.2) 10 (58.8) 17 (4.2)
  No 116 (30.1) 269 (69.9) 385 (95.8)

GBV: Gender-based violence, VAC: Violence against children

Proportion of ANC booking

A total of 279/402(69.4%) booked their first ANC appointment late. In addition, pregnant women aged between 25 and 34 years accounted for nearly half 129/279 (46.2%) of the study participants who booked their first ANC booking beyond 12 weeks of gestation [Table 2].

Table 2: Proportion and timing of first ANC booking among pregnant women in Chato DC - Tanzania.
Variable Frequency, n(%) Total (n%)
Gestation age
≤12 Weeks >12 weeks
Age (years)
  15–24 54 (30.7) 122 (69.3) 176 (43.8)
  25–34 60 (31.8) 129 (68.2) 189 (47.0)
  35+ 9 (24.3) 28 (75.7) 37 (9.2)
  Total 123 (30.6) 279 (69.4) 402 (100)

ANC: Antenatal care

Risk factor analysis

This study has found that marital status, occupation, pregnancy planning, and the presence of partner or family support are significantly associated with first ANC booking among pregnant women. It was revealed that married pregnant women had almost four-fold of booking an ANC visit early as compared to women who were single (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 3.9, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.1–14.4, P = 0.036). Similarly, employed pregnant women were 2.8 times more likely to book their first ANC visits early compared to self-employed women (AOR = 2.8, 95% CI = 1.33–5.82, P = 0.006). In addition, women receiving support from their family or partner were more likely to book their first ANC as recommended compared to those lacking such support (AOR = 0.5, 95% CI = 0.29– 0.90, P = 0.022). Finally, those who planned pregnancy were 2 times more likely to book their first ANC visit within the recommended time, unlike those who did not (AOR = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.3–2.1, P = 0.06) [Table 3].

Table 3: Factors influencing first ANC booking among the pregnant women in Chato DC - Tanzania.
Variable Gestation age OR 95% CI P-value AOR 95% CI P-value
≤12 Weeks (n=123) >12 weeks (n=279)
Age (years)
  15–24 54 122 1.0 0.66–1.54 0.974
  25–49 69 157
Marital status
  Married 120 251 4.5 1.3–15.0 0.015 3.9 1.1–14.4 0.036
  Single 3 28
  Salaried job 19 15 3.2 1.6–6.6 0.001 2.8 1.3–5.8 0.006
  Self-employed 104 264
Level of education
  More than secondary 51 110 0.9 0.56–1.45 0.701
  Less than secondary 72 169
Time to get to clinic
  ≤1 h 118 273 0.5 0.16–1.73 0.278
  1 h+ 5 6
Amount of money used to get to clinic
  ≤1000 Tshs 98 230 0.8 0.49–1.42 0.510
  >1000 Tshs 25 49
  1 31 59 1.3 0.76–2.07 0.369
  2+ 92 220
Age of youngest child
  ≤2 66 146 1.1 0.69–1.61 0.806
  2+ 57 133
Planned pregnancy
  Yes 88 164 1.8 1.11–2.79 0.015 0.6 1.3–2.1 0.06
  No 35 115
Partner/family support
  Yes 119 259 2.3 0.77–6.87 0.127 0.5 0.3–0.9 0.022
  No 4 20
Complications in this/other pregnancies
  Yes 30 39 2.0 1.17–3.38 0.012 0.86 0.3–2.9 0.81
  No 93 140
  Yes 11 34 1.6 0.69–2.89 0.344
  No 112 245

GBV: Gender-based violence, VAC: Violence against children, CI: Confidence interval, AOR: Adjusted odds ratio, ANC: Antenatal care, h: Hour, OR: Odds ratio


There is still an alarming trend of delayed first ANC visits among pregnant women, highlighting a crucial gap in maternal health care. This delay, which is influenced by factors such as occupation, marital status, pregnancy planning, family/partner support, and complications during pregnancy, reveals systemic hurdles that limit timely access to essential prenatal services.

Our study has revealed that nearly three-quarters of pregnant women do not book their first ANC visit within the recommended time. These findings are higher compared to the data obtained in the same district 2 years ago.[12] Likewise, the proportion obtained in our study is higher compared to several previous studies done in Ethiopia,[18,21,22] Nigeria,[23] and the United Arab Emirates.[24] However, the proportion obtained in this study is comparatively lower when compared to other previous studies done in Nigeria[25] and Zambia.[6]

Several factors could have contributed to the differences in the proportion of first ANC booking observed; these include but are not limited to disparities in healthcare access, socioeconomic factors, cultural and religious beliefs, health policies and programs, information and awareness, quality of care, and financial barriers.[1] The differences could also be attributed to variability in ANC policies or practices across countries. For instance, in Tanzania, these practices include male engagement in ANC, which warrants male partners to escort their pregnant couples to clinics during their first ANC visit. Despite the benefits, this policy and/or practice could impact women’s first visit.[26]

This current study has found that pregnant women who were married, had a salaried job, planned pregnancy, and had familial or partner support had an increased likelihood of booking their first ANC appointment within the recommended time. These findings are somewhat similar to a previous study done in Zambia.[6] On the other hand, the first ANC booking was not associated with the education level of the pregnant woman or spouse, distance to the health-care clinics, money spent to get to clinics, gravidity, gender-based violence (GBV), etc. The findings contradict similar studies conducted in the past across different countries and regions, which found significant associations.[19,22,25] The observed disparities between these studies could be attributable to the time difference between this current study and the previous studies. Again, changes in policies/practices throughout time and socioeconomic developments could have contributed to the observed disparities.

Although, we found no significant relationships between GBV and the first ANC appointment, pregnant women do encounter violence. More than a decade ago, a survey in Tanzania revealed that almost one-third and nearly a quarter of women had experienced physical and sexual violence, respectively. Furthermore, more than one-third of these women did not inform anyone or seek help.[27] GBV can have a major impact on maternal health, especially during the first prenatal visit. In addition, survivors may find challenges in obtaining ANC care because of fear, stigma, or a lack of support. Healthcare providers should be trained to recognize indicators of violence, create a safe environment for disclosure during an ANC, and provide necessary support services. Addressing GBV is critical for improving a mother’s health and providing comprehensive prenatal care.


This study explored the factors that influence pregnant women’s first ANC visits in Northwestern Tanzania. Despite the benefits of scheduling an antenatal appointment early, a significant proportion of pregnant women do not schedule their first visit within the suggested time frame. This underscores the need for targeted policies to address socioeconomic barriers and enhance healthcare accessibility, thereby promoting earlier ANC bookings and improving maternal health outcomes. In addition, our study is limited to two institutions, which could have affected the generalizability of the findings. However, the choice of these sites was deliberate and intended to capture the diversity of ANC booking behaviors across different socioeconomic groups within Chato District. Nonetheless, we recommend studies involving more health-care facilities across the Chato district to be conducted to enhance generalizability.


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Chato Zonal Referral Hospital management for providing the necessary financial and administrative support. Gratitude is also extended to our data collectors, Happiness Sospeter and Sylvester Kahulu from Chato Zonal Referral Hospital. Finally, we would like to convey our deepest appreciation to the management of Chato District Hospital and Chato Zonal Referral Hospitals for allowing us to conduct this research in their areas of jurisdiction.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used in this study are accessible and can be obtained by contacting the corresponding author.

Author’s contributions

SYZ, RZS, GSM, OTL, ZKK, OJD, EAM, and BCM contributed to the study’s design, analysis, and interpretation of data. SYZ, GSM, ZKK, and OTL collected the data. SYZ drafted the manuscript while BCM, RZS, EAM, and OJD, critically reviewed the manuscript. All authors read and approved the manuscript.

Ethical approval

The research/study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the National Institute of Medical Research - Tanzania, number NIMR/HQ/R.8a/Vol.IX/4394, dated 18th August 2023.

Declaration of patient consent

The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

Use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for manuscript preparation

The authors confirm that there was no use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for assisting in the writing or editing of the manuscript and no images were manipulated using AI.

Financial support and sponsorship

This study received financial support from the Chato Zonal Referral Hospital. However, the hospital had no influence on the study’s design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, or the decision to publish the results.


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